I have not written for
my blog for quite a while. I do not know if I should really do my own
psychoanalytical observations here. I have received demands for and
against. I will favour at the moment the voices in favor, as I have
not yet taken any rendez-vous with a professional and I could make
you, my invisible audience, my symbolic master. So now I do know if I
should dwell a bit into personal explanations.
It has all to do with the
self, the perception of the self, and the expectations of the self. I
have recently moved back to Brussels, my hometown and it takes some
time to adapt. I am indeed confront with the self-perceived self of
my past, the self I have constructed for me in U.K. And this new
breed of self that has not entirely found itself yet. I have though
high demands and expectations, I know that I had the luck to grow up
in an environment that brought me informations and a way to value
informations and I have also the brain capacities to process with
ease these informations, though I do have to work still on my memory.
The fact that I find
myself very intelligent, and that people find it hard to disagree on
that statement but agree that it is not a mark of humility to state
it, I find I have to learn a lot and do a lot with this intelligence
and when I do not, I beat myself to the point that I sulk into doubt.
It takes me time to get back unto my feet and tell myself that I need
to start again. This is though how real strength is defined though:
the ability to go back to a fight. So here I am back, to my world of
reflection, with a self perceived as being worthy to lay down
thoughts, no expectation to be incredibly smart and innovative ( not
to put to much pressure at the beginning) but with the goal of
someday looking back and the roads I took with slight pride.
So now that my time with
my lacanian master that you are is up, I will start to write about a
very simple class on a Marxist analysis of commodities. It is mostly
for myself that I will write about it and I have not yet come to a
conclusion, as usual with my personal work. The first exercise will
be to outline the difference between two useful concepts: the
use-value and the exchange-value. The use-value is the value of a
commodity as it is. It is a very hard thing to actually conceive as
it is linked to the concept of necessities. Indeed, something can be
truly useful only if it is necessary. And a necessity is linked to
either a mean to survive, either a mean to develop oneself as its
It is easy to value the
use of food, and then again, exotic food has more exchange-value than
use-value. It is more difficult to value a pen or a computer, as
someone might find himself working to accomplish himself when others
might buy these tools just to show they can exchange a possession for
social recognition – social recognition is something I will later
on define when I will define the different forms of capital ( and not
stop at Marx definition of capital : Any commodity which helps the
accumulation of exchange-valued commodities). So two forms of
use-value: the material form, as something that we need so our body
survives and the spiritual form - nothing essentially religious- but
just specie-centered idea that the human only has a spirit – as
something that we need so we can do something of our life as we have
decided to independently do.
Now exchange-value is the
thing of everyday now. It is the discussions around the price of
things, as we exchange money for different objects. Money has become
the universal standard to establish exchange-value. We exchange
anything ( almost) for money and the price actually does not reflect
on anything in particular. What we pay at a restaurant for example,
is only defined as what the boss of the restaurant think is the
normal price for what he serves. It has nothing to do with the pay of
the cook, of the waiters and waitresses, of the food or the price of
the designer he chose for his menu. It is something he thinks is the
price that people will pay. This price will be accepted only by a
social standard established by different networks of people. Let's
say the boss of our restaurant is a friend of two newspapers editors,
then his price will be high, as the media can easily make a price (
an exchange-value) socially acceptable or not, no matter the fact
that the value of a dinner is relative to the taste of the person
going to the restaurant plus the added use-value commodities used (
mainly the food and the labour).
Now we are constantly
reminded that the exchange-value is the everyday lie that we accept.
No matter that televisions cost far more in a store that the added
cost of their productions ( and that the value added is done through
off-shore front companies so less redistribution for profit is done),
we are aware of it and yet ready to buy new ones before the old ones
are really broken – Brave New World accepted ideology as well –
reparation is something of the past, replacement is the standard of
living now. What Marx has noted though is that the exchange-value of
a commodity will always rises faster than the exchange-value of
labour, meaning that no matter that a company makes profits, the wage
of the common worker will never rise, except to the need of
necessities ( the risk of a lower production due to excessive
frustration). Satisfaction of the exchange-value of labour will be
also discussed later on, I want to first talk about the standard of
Currencies are the universal standards of exchange-value and it seems a fair one. Of course, since the 20th century, the value of currencies are themselves only exchange-values, as the price of foreign goods depends on the exchange-value of a currency to another. Meaning that somehow, a currency will have a better value or a worst value depending on a socially acceptable consensus of the people buying these currencies. The value of a currency is therefore not defined by the general population, there is nothing democratic about it – except maybe in China -, but by the people who own a high social capital.
So here I have to explain
the notion of social capital. Social capital I will define as the
trust accepted in a source for its information. The trust in itself
is the capital. Meaning that someone with high social capital will be
able to decide more or less the exchange-value of any commodity, as
it is the information generated. Somehow, no surprise here, but
people with high economic (material) capital have had a high social
capital for a long time. That's why two of the big three rating
agencies belong to the “ public”, meaning stocks can be bought on
the stock exchange so you can have a more-or-less important say
depending on how much money you put in, and that the last one
“Finch”, belongs to one of the most connected man of France.
These three make the weather in finance, even when they are proven
Now, about satisfaction,
it is something personal to the extent that there is an emancipation
for the power of structure around. The structures of the system are a
necessary tool, in the sense that no one can promote anarchy as it
does not bring forward a liberation from the necessities of life.
Then again, we are not satisfied by the necessities only in life. We
do need to do something out of our life to bring on an existential
satisfaction. We can accept on one hand the animalistic satisfaction
of procreation, in the sense that we live and do what we do so we can
live on through our offspring and so one until the end of the earth,
or we can do something for which we are proud to have bring something
forward to humanity and all the other species that will recognize the
contribution. What is not a necessity is do something we do not like
for a defined amount of time just because we cannot choose something
else ( or for a lesser time).
Satisfaction is relative
to emancipation as I said, because it is a standard of living we
accept for ourselves, and this standard is accepted because we are
told is acceptable, until a certain point. This is why information is
a useful tool for the emancipation for humanity, though still a
difficult one to use, in the sense that the medium of information is
still important to make an effect. We are satisfied by how things
goes because we do not want to know more, and generally we decide to
ignore what we know because how we came to learn was not enough to
chose to accept it. What we have learned can possibly rise our level
of dissatisfaction and because we do not do anything about, it is
favorable to ignore the information.
I think I have now lost
my self a bit in the meanders of political economy. Anyway, the
prices do not reflect offer and demand, but by the complex
relationship ordered around by exchange-values.
I will write more next week, as I have decided to take back on the goal to write an article a week as a way to prove and improve myself. That's all folks !
I will write more next week, as I have decided to take back on the goal to write an article a week as a way to prove and improve myself. That's all folks !
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